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Oregon's Role in SOD Management


Oregon’s Interagency Sudden Oak Death Program works to slow the spread of SOD in the state by surveying for the disease and treating high-risk, infested sites. Eradication treatments are the best approach to help slow the spread of the disease on high-risk sites (sites on the leading edge of the infestation).


In these sites, SOD program contractors cut infected trees (primarily tanoak) and burn plant debris (when it is safe to do so) in a prescribed radius around infected trees, often 300 feet or more. Rapid treatment is necessary to help prevent the disease from spreading across the landscape.

Video: Oregon Department of Forestry

Reporting SOD Locations


Phytophthora ramorum can only be accurately identified by a USDA-certified laboratory using approved culture and molecular techniques. If you see host plants that have the symptoms described on our Resources page and are located outside of known areas of a SOD infestation, take these three steps:


1. Document the location of the diseased plant; obtain latitude and longitude with GPS, smartphone, or a maps program.


2. Take a clear, close-up digital photo of the plant part showing symptoms, a photo of the entire plant, and a photo showing the general setting.


3. Contact the following resources for further instruction.


Located outside of known infested areas and within Curry County:


Oregon Department of Forestry


415 Redwood St., Brookings, OR 97416

ODF Website


Oregon nursery owner/worker or a Christmas tree grower:


Oregon Department of Agriculture’s  

Plant Health Program


635 Capitol St NE, Salem, OR 97301

Sudden Oak Death Program Website 

Located outside of Curry County:


Oregon Department of Forestry, Forest Health Dept.  


2600 State St, Bldg D, Salem OR 97310

Forest Health Unit Website


Additional Resources for SOD Reporting:


Oregon Department of Agriculture’s Plant Health Program


635 Capitol St NE, Salem, OR 97301

Sudden Oak Death Program Website 

If you want to know what is killing your garden plant:


Contact your local Oregon State University Extension Office: 


Extension Search Website



Oregon State University Plant Clinic


1089 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331

Plant Clinic Website



Phytophthora rapid tests Information

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